Dopo il rilascio dell’app per PC e Mac, WhatsApp ha ben pensato di rilasciare una beta con una grande novità.

L’app di messaggistica, WhatsApp, ha da poco rilasciato una nuova beta, solo per iOS la momento, che include le video chiamate!
Possiamo infatti notarlo dal changelog ufficiale:

  1. – Needs access to your camera to place or receive video calls.
  2. – Needs access to your microphone and camera to place or receive video calls.
  3. – To answer this video call from %s, allow the app access to your camera. Tap Settings > Permissions, and turn Camera on.
  4. – To answer this video call from %s, allow the app access to your camera. Tap Settings, unlock your phone, tap Permissions, and turn Camera on.
  5. – To answer this video call from %s, tap Continue, unlock your phone, and allow the app access to your camera.
  6. – To answer this video call from %s, allow the app access to your camera.
  7. – To video call %s, allow the app access to your camera. Tap Settings > Permissions, and turn Camera on.
  8. – To video call %s, allow the app access to your camera.
  9. – To answer this video call from %s, allow the app access to your microphone and camera. Tap Settings > Permissions, and turn Microphone and Camera on.
  10. – To answer this video call from %s, allow the app access to your microphone and camera. Tap Settings, unlock your phone, tap Permissions, and turn Microphone and Camera on.
  11. – To answer this video call from %s, tap Continue, unlock your phone, and allow the app access to your microphone and camera.
  12. – To answer this video call from %s, allow the app access to your microphone and camera.
  13. – To video call %s, allow the app access to your microphone and camera. Tap Settings > Permissions, and turn Microphone and Camera on.
  14. – To video call %s, allow the app access to your microphone and your camera.”

Questa nuova versione beta aggiunge, inoltre, un nuovo tipo di notifica, ovvero quelle che compaiono dentro la finestra di conversazione, esattamente come quanto succede già con Telegram.
Per quanto riguarda le video chiamate non esistono ancora foto o video che le mostrano in uso, ma si saprò qualcosa vi informeremo immediatamente.

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