L’applicazione che ci permette di conservare tutte le nostre password, credenziali, numeri e pin di carte di credito si aggiorna.
Con questo nuovo update, vengono risolti dei
problemi di sincronizazione ma soprattutto vengono eliminati i vari crash.

Ecco il changelog ufficile dell’aggiornamento della nuova versione 5.1.2:

Novità nella versione 5.1.2

Thank you to all of our wonderful
customers for reaching out and helping us track down a few crucial
fixes we missed for version 5.1.1. Can you believe we found them in the
couch cushions? It’s always the last place you look, right?

– We
discovered a case where sync was being silently disabled while still
appearing to be enabled. We’ve fixed that problem now, but if you check
your sync settings and find that 1Password last synced days ago you may
have been bitten by this bug. Please disable syncing and re-enable it if
that’s the case. We’re terribly sorry for the trouble here.
– Saving a new secure note no longer results in being stuck at that secure note.

We believe we have fixed a problem where 1Password would prompt you for
your Master Password after entering your PIN code or using Touch ID. We
weren’t able to reproduce this one in house, but we’re pretty sure we
got it.
– We fixed our number one top crasher from version 5.1.1.

never prompts you for a review. We value your workflow too much to
interrupt it. If you feel generous and have a couple of minutes, please
leave a review. It means the world to us. Literally… the world. Thank
you in advance!

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